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What is the status of any person after breakup

How easy it is to love someone and then get away from me

Who ever loves someone, what kind of feeling does that person have when they are away from their partner when we reconcile with someone for a few days after that, if that person is away from us, There is a lot of movement in the heart and the mind does not seem anywhere. And when we love someone and they turn away from people, it seems as if the whole world is missing hands, it starts to feel that that person was very important to you and that you love him very much Were.

Love is more realized when the person in front of you is not with you

As long as someone is with you, you rarely realize his love because at that point you are busy with more things and if you find something, then its value decreases slightly. But when that thing starts to get away from you, you start feeling it more because the one thing in a human being is that he thinks for something when he is gone, but when that thing is near him, he Ignores that. And it is not about one person, it is the thinking of all of us, until we get something, we are desperate for it. When we find something, we forget to think about it and do not respect it. But when something goes away from you, you start thinking about it. When we love someone, maybe we don't think so much about him but when he starts getting away from people we start thinking about him constantly in our heart. Whenever you love someone and after that whenever that breakup happens, the person's position after the breakup is such that if the person has lost his life, then the person does not like anything or comes anywhere. . Jaan gets lonely in himself, but he has everything but thinks that I am alone. In love it often happens that whenever a breakup happens we become lonely, we have everything except what we Love and we start thinking that everything is missed.

After the breakup, there is some time that we only remember our love

For some time after the breakup, we only remember our love and we do not focus on anything, we always yearn for our love and it is a bitter truth if a person denies this truth . If he is lying the first few days are such that nothing in life is understood like what is true and there is no use of life, this kind of feeling is in our mind but you will never get out of your life. Do not be discouraged because life is important, our life is most beautiful, does not remain the same all the time, gradually you start coming in good condition, slowly you forget everything and complete your life again. Because it happens in life that when an event happens, we repent but as time passes, we start talking about it, every wound heals over time. You must have noticed that when our health deteriorates, that health does not recover at once. We need some time. Similarly, whenever we have a problem or a problem or stress, everything takes time to recover.


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